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Active Premium Sensei
Sensei er en lavprofil stabil putter. Discen er designer for å kunne brukes til alle typer kast Anbefalte bruksområder:Alle spillerAlle typer kastPutting Flight Rating:Speed 3Glide 3Turn 0Fade 1 Active plast:Active...
179,00 kr
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Active Sensei
Sort stamp Sensei er en lavprofil stabil putter. Discen er designer for å kunne brukes til alle typer kast Anbefalte bruksområder:Alle spillerAlle typer kastPutting Flight Rating:Speed 3Glide 3Turn 0Fade...
119,00 kr
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C-Line FD Lettkastet
Do you need more distance but not at the mercy of losing accuracy? Join the FD fan club! The first fairway driver by Discmania was an instant hit as soon...
215,00 kr
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• Rettflyvende putter• Designet for å passe alle• NEO er holdbar og fleksibel premiumplast Når det kommer til nærspill, hjelper det lite med fine ord og gimmicks. Denne putteren er...
374,00 kr
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Geo Link
The Link has a stable flight for a putter, able to take large amounts of spin without getting floaty and able to glide to the basket without fading out too...
115,00 kr
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Hard Exo Link
The Link has a stable flight for a putter, able to take large amounts of spin without getting floaty and able to glide to the basket without fading out too...
159,00 kr
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Neo Spore
Hybrid mellom golf-disk og catch-disk Vannvittig mye glide Soft Neo-plast er betydelig mykere og mer fleksibel enn tradisjonell Neo-plast Spore fra Discmania ble først introdusert som Cloud Stone i deres...
214,00 kr
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S-Line FD
Do you need more distance but not at the mercy of losing accuracy? Join the FD fan club! The first fairway driver by Discmania was an instant hit as soon...
259,00 kr
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S-Line MD3
• Overstabil fairwaydriver• Designet for å passe deg som har litt erfaring på banen• S-Line er holdbar plast som gir godt grep i allslags vær Discmania FD3 er laget for...
259,00 kr
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S-Line P2
This is our icon — the P2 — reinvented. For over a decade the P2 has been the gold standard of putters. We wanted to take that standard and take...
269,00 kr
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Soft Exo Link
The Link has a stable flight for a putter, able to take large amounts of spin without getting floaty and able to glide to the basket without fading out too...
159,00 kr
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C-Line MD3
The Discmania MD3 is a reliable and versatile midrange disc, which in its different weights can be used to fill all midrange needs of an average player. It has a...
249,00 kr
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Hard Exo Logic
This putter is the logical choice for your putts and approaches. The Logic has a low-profile ergonomic grip designed to fit a variety of preferences when it comes to hand...
145,00 kr
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Sensei er en lavprofil-putter som passer godt i hendene til de aller fleste. Designet for alle type innspills-kast, i tillegg til putting. The Sensei is a low profile putter that...
118,00 kr
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Show Stopper 2 - Ella Hansen Signature Series Color Glow Horizon C-Line FD. Lettkastet
Trenger du mer lengde uten å gå på akkord med presisjon? Da er FD discen for deg!Den første fairway-driveren fra Discmania ble umiddelbart populær da den ble sluppet og er...
299,00 kr
- 7
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