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Neo Instinct
Out on the course exists a relentless battle. This battle rages on between players, the course, and your own game. Some players rise while others fall and out on the course...
209,00 kr
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Opto Explorer
Why was the Explorer voted the 2018 Disc of the Year? Straight flight path and controlled glide, that’s what the Explorer brings. Designed to be the workhorse for all kinds...
199,00 kr
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C-Line FD Lettkastet
Do you need more distance but not at the mercy of losing accuracy? Join the FD fan club! The first fairway driver by Discmania was an instant hit as soon...
215,00 kr
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ESP Athena - Paul McBeth
Introducing the First Run Athena, the sixth disc in the Paul McBeth lineup. This 7 speed driver is for control shots with a dependable fade. Similar shot shaping flight characteristics...
219,00 kr
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S-Line FD
Do you need more distance but not at the mercy of losing accuracy? Join the FD fan club! The first fairway driver by Discmania was an instant hit as soon...
259,00 kr
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Ethereal Omen
Fear no headwind! The Omen is our reliable headwind fighter. Dependable stability in even the windiest conditions players can reach for the Omen time and time again knowing that its...
225,00 kr
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Aura Omen
Fear no headwind! The Omen is our reliable headwind fighter. Dependable stability in even the windiest conditions players can reach for the Omen time and time again knowing that its...
225,00 kr
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Halo Star Thunderbird
The Thunderbird is speed 9 driver with controllable, accurate flights. It has the stability of a TeeBird with the speed of a ValkyrieThe Thunderbird comes from strong bloodlines. The stability...
269,00 kr
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Big Z Athena
Introducing the First Run Athena, the sixth disc in the Paul McBeth lineup. This 7 speed driver is for control shots with a dependable fade. Similar shot shaping flight characteristics...
219,00 kr
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Active Premium Magician Lettkastet
Magician er en stabil fairwaydriver som man kan stole på under de fleste vindforhold. Dette er en disc som flyr rett med lite turn. Discen har en smal «rim», noe...
189,00 kr
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Star Teebird (stamps variasjon farge)
Innova Teebird er en av Innovas mest presise og trofaste fairway drivere. Den har kombinasjonen av en rett flyvning, høy glide og nok speed til å både fly langt og...
199,00 kr
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Royal Grand Honor
Honor is a speedy fairway driver made for control shots. It has good glide, and the right amount of overstability to earn your trust, but still give you great distance...
259,00 kr
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C-Line FD1
FD1 er Discmania’s nyeste fairwaydriver på markedet! Den er forholdsvis overstabil, men vil i motsetning til mange andre overstabile drivere holde en rett linje til å starte med. Med 7...
265,00 kr
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Special Edition Golden Swirl S-Line FD3 (10 Års jubileum)
10 år med Discmania USA! Discmania ble etablert som et merke tilbake i 2006, og senere introdusert med sin første amerikanske lokasjon i California helt tilbake til 2014. Siden den...
298,00 kr
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Prodigy FX-2 400 Color GLOW Plastic - Ezra Robinson 2024 Signature Series
Deliver a message on the course with Ezra Robinson’s 2024 Signature Series FX-2 in 400 Color GLOW plastic. The 2024 Signature Series explores the Evolution of Flight using a postage...
245,00 kr
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Stable Fairway Driver Description Straight flight path and controlled glide, that’s what the Explorer brings. Designed to be the workhorse for all kinds of accurate fairway drives. This stable and...
269,00 kr
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C-line FD3 Gannon Buhr Waco
Gannon Buhr is your 2024 WACO Champion! Celebrate Gannon's victory with C-line FD3 The Discmania FD3 is the most stable fairway driver in our Originals line. For many players it...
269,00 kr
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Opto-X Explorer Lauri Lehtinen 2024
• Rett flylinje og kontrollert glide og fade.• For de som har spilt litt, erfarne og profesjonelle• Opto-X er en stivere plastikk med økt holdbarhet og mer overstabil flukt. Rak...
269,00 kr
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Innova Halo Star TeeBird3
TeeBird3 representerer utviklingen av TeeBird. Mange har beskrevet discen som en "raskere TeeBird". Den flate flyplaten fremmer hastigheten samtidig som den reduserer gli, og produserer effektivt konsistente, nøyaktige flyvninger. Dette...
389,00 kr
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Thought Space Athletics Aura Coalesce
Introducing the Coalesce by Thought Space Athletics - a versatile fairway driver that can be used for various situations. The Coalesce is designed to fly straight without turning over and...
210,00 kr
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Neo Splice
Hvit er med sølv trykk When you need absolute dependability, the Splice is your choice. This disc performs predictably even in the toughest of headwinds. Merging control and overstability,...
209,00 kr
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MVP Neutron Terra - James Conrad Line
Den første driveren i James Conrad- line Designet deg som har spilt litt, erfarne spillere, og profesjonelle Electron plast har solid grep – og spilles sakte inn MVP Terra har...
205,00 kr
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G-Star Teebird3
G-Star Teebird3 • For nøyaktig “shot-shaping”, en disc som fort kan bli din mest brukte fairway-driver. En raskere Teebird, med mindre glide.• For de som har spilt litt, erfarne og...
189,00 kr
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Ethos Omen
Fear no headwind! The Omen is our reliable headwind fighter. Dependable stability in even the windiest conditions players can reach for the Omen time and time again knowing that its...
225,00 kr
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