Du har ingen varer i handlevognen
Fanatic Fly Discmanias mellomstørelsesekk er en sekk som passer perfekt for spilleren som begynner å utvikle spillet sitt og må ha med seg litt flere disker enn man har...
698,00 kr
Guru Berserk Backpack
Guru Berserk Backpack
• Perfekt som første diskgolfsekk.• Plass til 24+ discer.• Ekstra lommer til tilbehør og drikkeflaske.
499,00 kr
MVP R2 Neutron Starter Set
Her kommer MVP med et startsett laget av resirkulert plast. Denne har samme holdbarhet som den kjente Neutron-plasten, men den er hakket myekere og mer grippy. Med glow-rim vil den...
499,00 kr
The Alpaca is the quintessential beadless putter and is consistently rated as one of the best putt and approach discs in all of disc golf. The Alpaca has a deep,...
139,00 kr
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Prodigy Ascent
CARRY UP TO 18+ DISCS - The Prodigy Ascent can carry up to 18+ discs throughout its 2 compartments. The main compartment stores all of your drivers and midranges and...
499,00 kr
K1 Reko X
The Reko X shares many shapes and dimensions with the classic Reko, with the concave wing as the most obvious exception. This feature allows a more distinct grip and makes...
199,00 kr
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Paul McBeth Signature Series T-skjorte
Paul's classic Signature Series barstamp on an all black shirt. Premium is the name of the game. Printed on Next level's Suede material, this shirt will be one you reach...
199,00 kr
Innova Excursion Sekk
Designed for all-day excursions, this backpack bag has the features to keep you organized while playing in total comfort. Ergonomic shoulder straps, various stash pockets, and spacious disc compartments make...
799,00 kr