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C-Line FD Lettkastet
Do you need more distance but not at the mercy of losing accuracy? Join the FD fan club! The first fairway driver by Discmania was an instant hit as soon...
215,00 kr
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Champion Rollo Innova Lettkastet
Champion Rollo • For enkle hyzer-flip kast, turnovers og rollere.• For helt ferske spillere, samt mer erfarne.• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet og pålitelig ytelse Innova Rollo er en av...
209,00 kr
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ESP Hades Paul McBeth
It's official! The stock run of Hades is here. Consider this the perfect understable compliment, and archenemies to the Zeus distance driver. With lots of glide and more controllable fade,...
219,00 kr
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Ethereal Construct
The Construct is TSA's most versatile distance-fairway driver.Coming in at 10 | 6 | -1 | 2 and the epitome of glide, the Construct will find a comfortable home in...
225,00 kr
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Gold Fuse
Gold Fuse • Latitudes mest anvendelige midrange• For de som har spilt litt, men også erfarne spillere• Gold Line er premium plast som gir bedre grep uten at det...
204,00 kr
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Gold Orbit Sapphire Rebecca Cox 2024
Gold Orbit Sapphire Rebecca Cox 2024 • Driver som er enkel å bruke• For de som har spilt litt• Gold Line er premium plast som gir bedre grep uten...
269,00 kr
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Grand Orbit Brave Jakub Semerad 2024 Lettkastet
En fairway driver som er enkel å kontrollere.Passer for spillere for alle nivåerGrand er holdbar plast med godt grep Brave er en fariway driver understabil som gir deg muligheter til...
289,00 kr
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Halo Star Tern
• For lange shot shaping-kast, fenomenal glide og lengdepotensiale som rollerdisc• Til de som har kastet litt og vil nå nye lengder• Halo Star er en dekorativ Star- plastikk som...
269,00 kr
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K1 ÄLVA First Run
For all type kastere Älva er en ny, understabil distance driver fra Kastaplast. Laget for maks distanse for alle nivå trenger denne en god del plass sidelengs, men med store...
199,00 kr
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K1 Falk
199,00 kr
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K1 Svea Lettkastet
Just as the late Grym the Vass is made for long and smooth S-curves and tailwind bombs. It’s a workable big distance driver for the common player, or a turnover...
199,00 kr
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K3 Hard Svea - Moomin Family
This easy-to-use disc might be your secret weapon to perform the lines you need. However, don’t mistake it for a beginners only disc. Whenever you need massive glide, Svea will...
139,00 kr
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Opto Diamond Lettkastet
Diamond Light is the choice of disc for beginners, children and people who don't throw very far. It is produced only in weights between 145g-159g. which makes it easy to...
199,00 kr
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Opto Fuse -- Lettkastet
Plastic: Opto. Weights: See variants. Disc/foil color info: Product images may differ slightly from actual product, and shade of disc color may vary (for example, blue can be baby blue or sky blue). Foil color...
199,00 kr
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Opto Ice Orbit Pearl - Øyvind Jarnes Lettkastet
Pearl er en midrange fra Latitude 64 med en smal rim, lav vekt og en understabil flyvebane. Den er skapt spesielt for de med lavere arm-speed, slik at discen...
269,00 kr
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Opto Jade
Are distance drivers only for the pros? Nope. Say hello to our first distance driver in the Easy-to-Use Line. It's light, it's fast, yet still easy to grip and control....
195,00 kr
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Opto Pearl
*rosa med blank dekor Pearl is a midrange with a small grip, low weight and a neutral flight path. It is part of the Easy-to-use line and is the perfect...
199,00 kr
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Opto-X Glimmer Fuse JohnE McCray 2024
Latitudes mest anvendelige midrange• For de som har spilt litt, men også erfarne spillere• Opto-X er en stivere plastikk med økt holdbarhet og mer overstabil flukt. Fuse er den mest...
269,00 kr
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Royal Grand Brave Lettkastet
En fairway driver som er enkel å kontrollere. Passer for spillere for alle nivåer Grand er holdbar plast med godt grep Brave er en fariway driver som gir deg...
255,00 kr
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S-Line FD
Do you need more distance but not at the mercy of losing accuracy? Join the FD fan club! The first fairway driver by Discmania was an instant hit as soon...
259,00 kr
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ESP Anax Paul McBeth
Z Anax Paul Mcbeth • 10-speed driver som vil slåss i vinden for deg og holde deg i fairway• Designet for deg som har spilt litt, erfarne og profesjonelle spillere•...
239,00 kr
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ESP Heat Lettkastet
Discraft sin Heat™ debuterte I 2014 og ble raskt en favoritt blant spillere med mindre krutt i armene på grunn av diskens kontroll, glide og distanse. Disken har smalere rim...
229,00 kr
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Geo Essence
The Essence is the do-it-all fairway driver in the Evolution line up. Let’s compare it to something you’re all familiar with, shall we? The closest relative to the Essence as...
149,00 kr
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Gold Burst Diamond
Diamond Light is the choice of disc for beginners, children and people who don't throw very far. It is produced only in weights between 145g-159g. which makes it easy to...
199,00 kr
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