
Putter Line Roach

The Roach is a neutral stable putter with similar flight to the Magnet but with a modern feel and added glide. The Roach has a beadless smooth rim and a...
149,00 kr
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K1 Nord

En midrange til å stole på.• For viderekommende spillere.• K1 er holdbar plast med fasthet Nord er det første tillegget til Kastaplast-utvalget i 2024;- en overstabil  Tallene er satt til...
189,00 kr
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XT Atlas

The Atlas is an overmold Mid-Range with a small amount of high speed turn and very little fade.The Atlas is an overmold that combines a firm, low-profile flight plate with...
195,00 kr
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C-Line FD1

FD1 er Discmania’s nyeste fairwaydriver på markedet! Den er forholdsvis overstabil, men vil i motsetning til mange andre overstabile drivere holde en rett linje til å starte med. Med 7...
265,00 kr
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Prodigy MX-2 Midrange Disc 500 Plastic

  The MX-2 is an overstable midrange highly resistant to torque. The beadless design provides a clean grip for all hand sizes, ensuring a smooth release to go with predictable...
195,00 kr
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G-Star Teebird3

G-Star Teebird3 • For nøyaktig “shot-shaping”, en disc som fort kan bli din mest brukte fairway-driver. En raskere Teebird, med mindre glide.• For de som har spilt litt, erfarne og...
189,00 kr
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Star Gazelle (Artist's Corner) Innova

The Gazelle is great overall disc for players of all skill levels because of its versatility and control. It is a dependable driver that has long straight flight with a...
369,00 kr
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Champion Roc3

The Roc3 holds a line in a variety of wind conditions and has a predictable fade, making this an ideal 'Go-To' Mid-Range in almost any situation. Advanced players will love...
209,00 kr
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Champion Teebird3

The TeeBird3 represents the evolution of the TeeBird. Many people have described a lot of discs as a "faster TeeBird", but this is the real deal. The flat flight plate...
209,00 kr
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DX Roc Lettkastet

DX Roc • Et godt valg hvis du ønsker en disk som kan gjøre mye.• For nye spillere så vel som erfarne, og profesjonelle• DX-plasten har et godt grep og...
145,00 kr
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Halo Star Valkyrie

Det beste valget for din første distanse-driver, medvinds-kast og lange turnover-drives.• For de som har spilt litt, og erfarne spillere• Halo Star er en dekorativ Star- plastikk som tidvis kan...
269,00 kr
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  • -2
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