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Innova DISCatcher Pro 28. Bestillingsvare
BESTILLINGSVARE DISCatcher® er installert på flere diskgolfbaner over hele verden enn noe annet merke. DISCatcher® Pro 28 er designet for å senke poengsummen din, og er utstyrt med 28...
5.499,00 kr
G-Star Destroyer
“The Destroyer has always been the standard when it comes to distance drivers. It has the perfect complement of rim size and controlled distance,” says Ricky Wysocki. The Destroyer is...
199,00 kr
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XT Atlas
The Atlas is an overmold Mid-Range with a small amount of high speed turn and very little fade.The Atlas is an overmold that combines a firm, low-profile flight plate with...
195,00 kr
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DX Alien. Lettkastet
Perfekt til innspill Passer alle ferdighetsnivåer DX plasten har et godt grep og spilles gradvis inn Alien er en helt ny innspills-disk fra Innova. Den har en unik form,...
169,00 kr
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DX Aviar Putt & Approach
Aviar Putt & Approach er den mestselgende putteren til Innova, og den har vunnet flere VM enn alle andre puttere til sammen. Aviar er en allsidig frisbee som er pålitelig...
249,00 kr
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G-Star Teebird3
G-Star Teebird3 • For nøyaktig “shot-shaping”, en disc som fort kan bli din mest brukte fairway-driver. En raskere Teebird, med mindre glide.• For de som har spilt litt, erfarne og...
189,00 kr
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- 2
KC-Pro Animal
KC-Pro Animal • En stabil forehand og backhand-disc for korte distanser• Passer nybegynnere så vel som erfarne spillere• KC Pro- plastikk er holdbar, og har et godt grep som...
179,00 kr
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Pro Sidewinder (Artist's Corner) Lettkastet
The Sidewinder is a fast flyer with a predictable high speed turn and lots of glide. This disc can add distance to anyone’s drive, but is especially useful for those...
259,00 kr
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- -3
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Star Spider – Arachne Stamp. Innova Factory Store
Arachne Star Spider – The Spider is an old school disc with a great feel and a solid flight. It is extremely straight and is perfect for touchy approach...
299,00 kr
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Star Gazelle (Artist's Corner) Innova
The Gazelle is great overall disc for players of all skill levels because of its versatility and control. It is a dependable driver that has long straight flight with a...
369,00 kr
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Champion Roc3
The Roc3 holds a line in a variety of wind conditions and has a predictable fade, making this an ideal 'Go-To' Mid-Range in almost any situation. Advanced players will love...
209,00 kr
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Champion Teebird3
The TeeBird3 represents the evolution of the TeeBird. Many people have described a lot of discs as a "faster TeeBird", but this is the real deal. The flat flight plate...
209,00 kr
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Halo Star Firebird
The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebirdís combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind with confidence. An excellent...
269,00 kr
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DX Roc Lettkastet
DX Roc • Et godt valg hvis du ønsker en disk som kan gjøre mye.• For nye spillere så vel som erfarne, og profesjonelle• DX-plasten har et godt grep og...
145,00 kr
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Halo Star Valkyrie
Det beste valget for din første distanse-driver, medvinds-kast og lange turnover-drives.• For de som har spilt litt, og erfarne spillere• Halo Star er en dekorativ Star- plastikk som tidvis kan...
269,00 kr
- 9
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- -2
- 2