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DX Leopard
The Leopard has a nice controllable turn right out of the box. It can be thrown smooth for straighter shots, or harder for more turn. Adjusting the angle of release...
149,00 kr
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Champion Hawkeye Fairway Driver
Nøyaktige kast Kontrollerte hyzere Forutsigbarhet Hawkeye fra Innova er fairway-driveren for de som søker forutsigbarhet og nøyaktighet på disc golf-banen. «Dette er en disk som holder seg på fairwayen,»...
199,00 kr
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Halo Star Thunderbird
The Thunderbird is speed 9 driver with controllable, accurate flights. It has the stability of a TeeBird with the speed of a ValkyrieThe Thunderbird comes from strong bloodlines. The stability...
269,00 kr
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Star Teebird (stamps variasjon farge)
Innova Teebird er en av Innovas mest presise og trofaste fairway drivere. Den har kombinasjonen av en rett flyvning, høy glide og nok speed til å både fly langt og...
199,00 kr
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INNOVA DX RAVEN Limited edition
The Innova Raven is a discontinued fairway driver that was originally released in 1994. This disc has a wide diameter and a bead on the rim. The Raven has limited...
219,00 kr
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DX Ram Innova
The DX Ram has been brought back from the grave! Disc Golfers can now pick up a brand new DX Ram and relive some of disc golf's early days. The...
198,00 kr
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Star Eagle Spesialfarge: yellow-green(Chartreuse)
The Eagle is our original, professional level fairway driver. It ushered in a new era for distance and reliability. The Eagle’s superior speed and predictable flight characteristics let you make...
389,00 kr
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Innova Halo Star TeeBird3
TeeBird3 representerer utviklingen av TeeBird. Mange har beskrevet discen som en "raskere TeeBird". Den flate flyplaten fremmer hastigheten samtidig som den reduserer gli, og produserer effektivt konsistente, nøyaktige flyvninger. Dette...
389,00 kr
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DX Dragon
For kast over vann, og i medvind• Til nye spillere• DX-plasten har et godt grep og spilles gradvis inn For nye spillere, kast over vann, og i medvind. Innova Dragon...
159,00 kr
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Star Leopard Lettkastet
The Leopard should be everyones first fairway driver as it is has excellent glide and is easy to throw straight and far. The Leopard is a great turnover disc for...
219,00 kr
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G-Star Teebird3
G-Star Teebird3 • For nøyaktig “shot-shaping”, en disc som fort kan bli din mest brukte fairway-driver. En raskere Teebird, med mindre glide.• For de som har spilt litt, erfarne og...
189,00 kr
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Champion Fairway Disc (Dark Rebel - Picture) Innova Factory
The Dark Rebel rises out of the shadows. Fairway Disc - The Original FD. If you’ve never tried the original Fairway Disc, you owe it to yourself to take...
349,00 kr
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Champion Roadrunner
Champion Roadrunner • For distanse-drives, rollerkast og lange kast i medvind.• En god disk når man har kastet litt, og ønsker å få litt ekstra lengde. Rollerdisk for spillere med...
219,00 kr
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Halo Champion Color Glow Firebird Nate Sexton 2024
Halo Champion Color Glow Firebird Nate Sexton 2024 • For forehands med punch, drives i motvind, flex-kast og store hyzere• Ikke for nybegynnere• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet og pålitelig ytelse...
398,00 kr
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I-Dye Champion Sidewinder Kat Mertsch (Tour Series)
For her second 2024 Tour Series disc, Kat has chosen the I-Dye Champion Sidewinder. Each disc is individually hand-dyed with a heart, so each one is as unique as Kat's...
369,00 kr
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- -3
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