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500 Feedback - Kevin Jones
The Feedback is an overstable fairway driver developed with Kevin Jones as part of the Prodigy Collabs Series. As controllable of a disc as they come, the Feedback can hold...
205,00 kr
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Aura Omen
Fear no headwind! The Omen is our reliable headwind fighter. Dependable stability in even the windiest conditions players can reach for the Omen time and time again knowing that its...
225,00 kr
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C-line FD3 Gannon Buhr Waco
Gannon Buhr is your 2024 WACO Champion! Celebrate Gannon's victory with C-line FD3 The Discmania FD3 is the most stable fairway driver in our Originals line. For many players it...
269,00 kr
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Champion Firebird
stamp kan variere The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebirdís combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind...
209,00 kr
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Ethereal Omen
Fear no headwind! The Omen is our reliable headwind fighter. Dependable stability in even the windiest conditions players can reach for the Omen time and time again knowing that its...
225,00 kr
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Halo Star Firebird
The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebirdís combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind with confidence. An excellent...
269,00 kr
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Halo Star RoadRunner
For distanse-drives, rollerkast og lange kast i medvind.• En god disc når man har kastet litt, og ønsker å få litt ekstra lengde. Rollerdisc for spillere med mer trøkk.• Halo...
279,00 kr
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- -4
- 1
Halo Star Thunderbird
The Thunderbird is speed 9 driver with controllable, accurate flights. It has the stability of a TeeBird with the speed of a ValkyrieThe Thunderbird comes from strong bloodlines. The stability...
269,00 kr
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Halo Star Valkyrie
Det beste valget for din første distanse-driver, medvinds-kast og lange turnover-drives.• For de som har spilt litt, og erfarne spillere• Halo Star er en dekorativ Star- plastikk som tidvis kan...
269,00 kr
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- -2
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Nebula Aura Mantra
The Mantra is Thought Space Athletics first fairway driver of our new disc line. With flight numbers of 9/5/-2/2, the average player will find it to be easily controllable with...
225,00 kr
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TURN -0,5Description Have a blast with this overstable fairway driver. A lot of fairway drivers fly too straight, and a lot of them are too overstable. The Culverin fits right...
249,00 kr
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Pro Sidewinder (Artist's Corner) Lettkastet
The Sidewinder is a fast flyer with a predictable high speed turn and lots of glide. This disc can add distance to anyone’s drive, but is especially useful for those...
259,00 kr
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Prodigy F3 750 Spectrum Glimmer Plastic - Chantel Budinsky 2024 Signature Series
Deliver a message on the course with Chantel Budinsky’s 2024 Signature Series F3 in 750 Spectrum Glimmer plastic. The 2024 Signature Series explores the Evolution of Flight using a postage...
295,00 kr
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Prodigy FX-2 400 Color GLOW Plastic - Ezra Robinson 2024 Signature Series
Deliver a message on the course with Ezra Robinson’s 2024 Signature Series FX-2 in 400 Color GLOW plastic. The 2024 Signature Series explores the Evolution of Flight using a postage...
245,00 kr
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Prodigy FX-4 400 Glimmer Plastic - Isaac Robinson 2024 Signature Series
Deliver a message on the course with Isaac Robinson’s 2024 Signature Series FX-4 in 400 Glimmer plastic. The 2024 Signature Series explores the Evolution of Flight using a postage stamp...
245,00 kr
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Royal Grand Honor
Honor is a speedy fairway driver made for control shots. It has good glide, and the right amount of overstability to earn your trust, but still give you great distance...
259,00 kr
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• En «straight-shooter» med distanse• For litt mer erfarne spillere• S-Line kombinerer godt grep og høy holdbarhet CD1 er en disc for dem som er sultne på kontroll. Den er...
249,00 kr
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- -1
- 2
Special Edition Golden Swirl S-Line FD3 (10 Års jubileum)
10 år med Discmania USA! Discmania ble etablert som et merke tilbake i 2006, og senere introdusert med sin første amerikanske lokasjon i California helt tilbake til 2014. Siden den...
298,00 kr
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Star Firebird-Bottom Stamp
Overstabil God i motvind Egner seg godt til forhand Firebird er Innova’s mest populære motvindsdriver, kjent for sin overlegenhet i krevende forhold. Den overstabile karakteren gjør den ideell for kasting...
215,00 kr
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Star Roadrunner Bottom Stamp Lettkastet.
For distanse-drives, rollerkast og lange kast i medvind.• En god disk når man har kastet litt, og ønsker å få litt ekstra lengde. Rollerdisk for spillere med mer trøkk.• Star-plasten...
215,00 kr
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- -4
- 1
Thought Space Athletics Aura Coalesce
Introducing the Coalesce by Thought Space Athletics - a versatile fairway driver that can be used for various situations. The Coalesce is designed to fly straight without turning over and...
210,00 kr
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Ethos Omen
Fear no headwind! The Omen is our reliable headwind fighter. Dependable stability in even the windiest conditions players can reach for the Omen time and time again knowing that its...
225,00 kr
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Proton Fireball
OBS! Her velger du farge på selve platen. Proton Fireball • Overstabil og god i vind• Designet for deg som har spilt litt, men også mer erfarne spillere• Proton er...
229,00 kr
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ESP Heat Lettkastet
Discraft sin Heat™ debuterte I 2014 og ble raskt en favoritt blant spillere med mindre krutt i armene på grunn av diskens kontroll, glide og distanse. Disken har smalere rim...
229,00 kr
- 9
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- -3
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