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MVP Neutron Volt Lettkastet
The Volt is geared for long, accurate placement shots; it can hold a long straight line with a solid, forward penetrating fade. Reach for the Volt when accuracy is needed...
209,00 kr
- 8
- 5
- -0.5
- 2
Big Z Undertaker
Undertaker er Paul Mcbets go-to driver i skogen. Undertakerens nøytrale flight gjør den til den perfekte driveren når du skal kaste langt og rett. PS: Slow is smooth, and smooth is...
199,00 kr
- 9
- 5
- -1
- 2
Big Z Zeus Paul McBeth
Zeus er distance driveren i Paul McBeth sin egen lineup. Dette er en overstabil disk som har mye distanse og kontroll i seg. Har du mye krutt i armen, er...
219,00 kr
- 12
- 5
- -1
- 3
Champion Firebird
stamp kan variere The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebirdís combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind...
209,00 kr
- 9
- 3
- 0
- 4