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Neo Mutant
The Mutant is a truly unique midrange. It's been coined the "cybertruck" of midranges. The design principle for this mold was to create a disc with no round surfaces....
195,00 kr
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Halo Star Firebird
The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebirdís combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind with confidence. An excellent...
269,00 kr
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Fade er 3.5 En distansedriver man kan dunke til med• For spillere med plenty av trøkk• Grand er holdbar premium- plast med godt grep, myk feeling, stiv rim og perfekt...
249,00 kr
- 13
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Swirly S-Line PD2 - Sky Stone
S-Line Swirly PD2 Sky Stone Overstabil distance driver. For erfarne spillere. S-Line er holdbar plast som gir godt grep i allslags vær. PD2 er en disc som erfarne spillere virkelig...
269,00 kr
- 12
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Halo Champion Color Glow Firebird Nate Sexton 2024
Halo Champion Color Glow Firebird Nate Sexton 2024 • For forehands med punch, drives i motvind, flex-kast og store hyzere• Ikke for nybegynnere• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet og pålitelig ytelse...
398,00 kr
- 9
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- 4