Du har ingen varer i handlevognen
K1 Stig
Follow that path! There is no need to be nervous when facing stretchy thin fairways anymore. Use your best touch shot and watch the disc glide and land in circle...
199,00 kr
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DX Dragon
For kast over vann, og i medvind• Til nye spillere• DX-plasten har et godt grep og spilles gradvis inn For nye spillere, kast over vann, og i medvind. Innova Dragon...
159,00 kr
- 8
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- -2
- 2
Opto Sapphire
Are distance drivers only for the pros? Nope. Say hello to our first distance driver in the Easy-to-Use Line. It's light, it's fast, yet still easy to grip and control....
199,00 kr
- 10
- 6
- -2
- 1.5
Star Leopard Lettkastet
The Leopard should be everyones first fairway driver as it is has excellent glide and is easy to throw straight and far. The Leopard is a great turnover disc for...
219,00 kr
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S-Line TD Lettkastet
S-Line TD En snorrett 10-speed disc Passer for alle S-Line er holdbar plast som gir godt grep i allslags vær TD er på mange måter en lenger FD, akkurat som...
269,00 kr
- 10
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MVP Neutron Detour James Conrad. Lettkastet
Neutron Detour James Conrad Anvendelig midrange Passer for alle Neutron er premium-plast som tåler røffe forhold Detour en en midrange som passer perfekt mellom Hex og Uplink. Detour er den...
215,00 kr
- 5
- 5
- -2
- 1