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DX Aviar
Aviar Putt & Approach er den mestselgende putteren til Innova, og den har vunnet flere VM enn alle andre puttere til sammen. Aviar er en allsidig disc som er...
145,00 kr
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Hard Exo Method
The Method is an overstable midrange that can handle pro level power on both forehand and backhand shots, but where this disc excels beyond other midranges is in its glide.The...
135,00 kr
- 5
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- 0
- 3
Zero Medium Pure Lettkastet
The Pure is a modern classic in the putt and approach department. The disc was co-designed with Jesper Lundmark and features a comfortable grip and a medium deep rim, with...
149,00 kr
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Active Genius Driver
Genius er veldig allsidig fairway driver. Grunnet discen flyveegenskaper kan denne discen brukes til et utallig kast.Anbefalte bruksområder: Nye spillereLange anhyzekastRollere Flight Rating:Speed 7Glide 5Turn -4Fade 1 PlastDiscmania Active...
118,00 kr
- 7
- 5
- -4
- 1
Hard Exo Logic
This putter is the logical choice for your putts and approaches. The Logic has a low-profile ergonomic grip designed to fit a variety of preferences when it comes to hand...
145,00 kr
- 3
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- 1