Du har ingen varer i handlevognen
Putter Narwhal
Narwhal er en nøytral putter for rette kast. Narwhal er en nøytral putter for rette kast. Den sitter komfortabelt i hånden, og har ingen bead. Passer fint både til putting...
129,00 kr
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Retro Pure
The Roadrunner is a long-range distance driver with lots of glide. It makes an excellent finesse driver or long range roller. Power throwers can use this disc for long turnover...
139,00 kr
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Royal Sense Faith
Have Faith, this is the putt and approach disc you can lean on. Faith is a deep dish beadless putter with a smooth rounded rim. With a straight to overstable...
175,00 kr
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Soft Exo Link
The Link has a stable flight for a putter, able to take large amounts of spin without getting floaty and able to glide to the basket without fading out too...
159,00 kr
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Soft Putter Line Challenger
The Challenger is the flagship putter in the line-up for its consistency off the tee or on the approach for players of all skill levels. The Challenger has a small...
149,00 kr
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Tiger Line Putter Gui
Overstabil putter du kan stole på Unik «greps-plate» for to ulike grep God fra tee BESKRIVELSE GUI fra Yikun er en overstabil putter du kan stole på. Med sin dype...
118,00 kr
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XT Nova
NB: Du velger farge plata The Nova is a unique putter designed with overmold technology. The flight plate is made from a firm Pro material that's fused to a...
195,00 kr
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Z Zone
The Zone overstable putt and approach disc is the go-to workhorse putter for dependable overstability in any conditions. Often used for technical approaches or powerful upshots for both forehand and...
199,00 kr
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Zero Pure Hard • Komfortabelt grep og litt dypere rim. Holder linja di på innspill• For spillere innen alle nivåer• Zero- plast gir godt grep, og den gode følelsen...
135,00 kr
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- -1
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Zero Medium Pure Lettkastet
The Pure is a modern classic in the putt and approach department. The disc was co-designed with Jesper Lundmark and features a comfortable grip and a medium deep rim, with...
149,00 kr
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Electron Envy - James Conrad Lettkastet
OBS! Her velger du farge på selve platen. Farge på kant varierer. The Envy has a smooth modern feel that fits in the hand perfectly, lending confidence for both...
179,00 kr
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Hard Exo Logic
This putter is the logical choice for your putts and approaches. The Logic has a low-profile ergonomic grip designed to fit a variety of preferences when it comes to hand...
145,00 kr
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Jawbreaker Zone
The Zone overstable putt and approach disc is the go-to workhorse putter for dependable overstability in any conditions. Often used for technical approaches or powerful upshots for both forehand and...
149,00 kr
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Yeti-Pro Aviar
The Yeti Pro Aviar is a straight flying putter that works well on the course too. We've developed the Yeti in a firm, grippy blend of Pro blend of plastic....
179,00 kr
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PA-3 300 Fractal Norway Open
PA-3 er Prodigy sin mestselgende putt & approach-disk, og har blitt en selvfølge i baggen. Både proffe, amatører og nybegynnere kaster denne disken og sverger til dens konstante flight som...
199,00 kr
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PA-3 300 Fractal
Etter manges mening, markedets aller beste putter, og den beste disken Prodigy noen gang har laget. PA-3 er flat på toppen, og har en fin og avrundet rim, med en...
179,00 kr
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Sensei er en lavprofil-putter som passer godt i hendene til de aller fleste. Designet for alle type innspills-kast, i tillegg til putting. The Sensei is a low profile putter that...
118,00 kr
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D-Line P1 Flex 2. Lettkastet
D-Line P1 Flex 2 • P1 er tilbake – og bedre enn noensinne• Designet for å passe alle• D-Line er baseplast med godt grep P1 er tilbake og bedre enn...
145,00 kr
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- 0
Electron Entropy Firm
Electron Entropy Firm • Overstabil putt- og innspillsdisk• Electron plast har solid grep – og spilles sakte inn MVP Entropy er en overstabil putt- og innspills-disc designet for fluktlinjer med...
165,00 kr
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