
K1 ÄLVA First Run

For all type kastere Älva er en ny, understabil distance driver fra Kastaplast. Laget for maks distanse for alle nivå trenger denne en god del plass sidelengs, men med store...
199,00 kr
  • 11
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  • -2
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K1 Berg X Transparent

    En sakteflyver å stole på – uansett• For deg som har spilt litt og vil utvikle putter-spillet ditt• K1 er super-holdbar plast med en digg kombo av fasthet...
195,00 kr
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K1 Soft Reko

Reko has a comfortable rounded profile and a smooth bead, which fits most players’ hands. Easy to grip and easy to throw. It features a strengthened shoulder which adds a...
199,00 kr
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K1 Soft Berg

Rød print Berg is designed for distinct shots, where you don’t need to worry about the disc hoovering far passed the basket. The disc features an ergonomic thumb track which...
189,00 kr
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K1 Soft Berg X Lettkastet

Berg is designed for distinct shots, where you don’t need to worry about the disc hoovering far passed the basket. The disc features an ergonomic thumb track which is prominent...
199,00 kr
  • 1
  • 1
  • 0
  • 2
