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400 Archive
Archive kommer inn mellom M1 og M2 i midrange-rekka til Prodigy. Ut av boksen er denne overstabil, og den tåler absolutt at du trykker til det du har. Isaac Robinson...
205,00 kr
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500 Feedback - Kevin Jones
The Feedback is an overstable fairway driver developed with Kevin Jones as part of the Prodigy Collabs Series. As controllable of a disc as they come, the Feedback can hold...
205,00 kr
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Active Premium Astronaut
Astronaut; vår andre distance driver i Active Line skimte med enorm hastighet og glide! Discen er designet for å gi maksimal avstand for spillere på alle ferdighetsnivåer, spesielt for spillere...
179,00 kr
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Active Premium Majesty
Majesty er en rask disc som kan takle et bedt spekter av kast. Kan passe godt som en av de første distansedriverne til viderekommende spillere. Anbefalte bruksområder:Lange kastetablerte spillereBakchand/Forehand Flight...
169,00 kr
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Axiom Neutron Rhythm - Dyer's Delight Lettkastet
There’s been a noticeable uptick in demand for easily dyeable discs, and Dyer’s Delights are here to meet that demand! Please welcome the next great understable disc from Axiom...
249,00 kr
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Big Z Athena
Introducing the First Run Athena, the sixth disc in the Paul McBeth lineup. This 7 speed driver is for control shots with a dependable fade. Similar shot shaping flight characteristics...
219,00 kr
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Big Z Undertaker
Undertaker er Paul Mcbets go-to driver i skogen. Undertakerens nøytrale flight gjør den til den perfekte driveren når du skal kaste langt og rett. PS: Slow is smooth, and smooth is...
199,00 kr
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Big Z Vulture
When the Predator finishes with its prey, the Vulture comes in to play. The Vulture is described as a well seasoned Predator, with less overstability and more glide. The...
199,00 kr
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Big Z Zeus Paul McBeth
Zeus er distance driveren i Paul McBeth sin egen lineup. Dette er en overstabil disk som har mye distanse og kontroll i seg. Har du mye krutt i armen, er...
219,00 kr
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C-Line DD3
The DD3 is the distance driver that has been optimized to bring massive glide and distance to those who have the power. Need something that goes for the max distance...
249,00 kr
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Champion Hawkeye Fairway Driver
Nøyaktige kast Kontrollerte hyzere Forutsigbarhet Hawkeye fra Innova er fairway-driveren for de som søker forutsigbarhet og nøyaktighet på disc golf-banen. «Dette er en disk som holder seg på fairwayen,»...
199,00 kr
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Champion Super Stingray Lettkastet
The Super Stingray is a straighter Stingray to handle players with more power. For fans of the old Champion Stingray, the Super is a little more stable out of the...
319,00 kr
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Drift MVP
The Drift is a stable-understable fairway driver. The Drift is designed for laser straight lines ending with a gentle fade and an exceptional amount of glide, providing easy distance with...
319,00 kr
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DX Dragon
For kast over vann, og i medvind• Til nye spillere• DX-plasten har et godt grep og spilles gradvis inn For nye spillere, kast over vann, og i medvind. Innova Dragon...
159,00 kr
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DX Leopard
The Leopard has a nice controllable turn right out of the box. It can be thrown smooth for straighter shots, or harder for more turn. Adjusting the angle of release...
149,00 kr
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DX Leopard Blank Stamps
The Leopard, Innova‘s classic Speed 7 control driver, is an understable fairway with tons of glide. New players will enjoy the easy distance and great control from the Leopard! The...
168,00 kr
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Eclipse Servo MVP
The Servo is part of a new class of fairway drivers with a lower power requirement and more controllable speed. Its extended GYRO® Push yields a straighter lateral movement and...
319,00 kr
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ESP Athena - Paul McBeth
Introducing the First Run Athena, the sixth disc in the Paul McBeth lineup. This 7 speed driver is for control shots with a dependable fade. Similar shot shaping flight characteristics...
219,00 kr
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ESP Nuke Paige Pierce
• Rask distansedriver• Egnet for amatører og profesjonelle• ESP- plast gir svært god holdbarhet og godt grep Nuke er en høyhastighets distance driver som er elsket for sin kontroll og...
199,00 kr
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Frost Compass. Lettkastet
• En midrange som flyr rett og holder linjene du legger den på• For spillere av alle nivåer• Frost er Latitude 64’s mest fleksible plast Naviger deg nedover fairway med...
220,00 kr
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G-Star Destroyer
“The Destroyer has always been the standard when it comes to distance drivers. It has the perfect complement of rim size and controlled distance,” says Ricky Wysocki. The Destroyer is...
199,00 kr
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G-Star Wraith
The widely used and very versatile distance driver Wraith is the disc of choice for long and accurate drives off the tee for the 12-time Disc Golf World Champion Ken...
199,00 kr
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Glow Apollo
Endelig er Apollo her! Den første norskproduserte disken i sportens historie! Beskrivelse fra Alfa Discs: The Apollo is a straight-flying mid-range disc with outstanding glide. It fits extremely well...
209,00 kr
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Gold Compass --. Lettkastet
Navigate your way on the fairway with this midrange from Latitude 64º. This straight flyer will go wherever you want. It holds any line in the most predictable way. Not...
199,00 kr
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