Opto Ballista

  • 14
  • 5
  • -1
  • 3
199,00 kr
Lagerstatus: 1 På lager

Tired of choosing between speed and accuracy? With the Ballista you can get the best of two worlds. One of the fastest discs in the world combined with a dependable flight path makes the Ballista a must-have in your bag. It will be overstable for beginners and slightly understable for experienced players.



21.1 cm

Høyde: 1.7 cm
Rimdybde: 1.1 cm
Rimbredde: 2.4 cm
Maksvekt: 176.00 g
Type: Distance Driver
Stabilitet: Overstabil
Anbefalt ferdighetsnivå: Avansert
Plastikk: Premium
Latitude Opto Ballista Flight Chart