Du har ingen varer i handlevognen

- Overstabil
- God i motvind
- Egner seg godt til forhand
Firebird er Innova’s mest populære motvindsdriver, kjent for sin overlegenhet i krevende forhold. Den overstabile karakteren gjør den ideell for kasting i motvind, der kombinasjonen av speed og stabilitet gir deg kontroll uten å ofre avstand.
Denne disken utmerker seg spesielt i lange flexkast og har blitt en favoritt blant proffene, både for forehand- og backhand.
Best Choice for
- Headwind drives
- Flex shots
- Big hyzers
Star Plastic
Our Star line is created with a special blend of grippy, resilient polymers. Star plastic offers the same outstanding durability of our regular Champion plastic, plus improved grip like our Pro plastic. Star discs have the same flight characteristics as Champion discs, but are slightly less firm. High performance, longevity, and superior grip make Innova Star line discs a great choice for your game.- Provides predictable performance
- Long-lasting durability even on wooded or rugged courses
- Good all-weather grip
- Ideal for those who like the durability of Champion plastic with the superior grip of Pro plastic
- Retains flight characteristics longer than DX or Pro Plastics
Approved Date: Mar 21, 2000
Max Weight: 175.1gr
Diameter: 21.1cm
Height: 1.4cm
Rim Depth: 1.2cm
Rim Thickness: 1.9cm
Inside Rim Diameter: 17.3cm