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Neo Instinct
Out on the course exists a relentless battle. This battle rages on between players, the course, and your own game. Some players rise while others fall and out on the course...
209,00 kr
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K3 Reko
Reko has a comfortable rounded profile and a smooth bead, which fits most players’ hands. Easy to grip and easy to throw. It features a strengthened shoulder which adds a...
139,00 kr
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Z Zone
The Zone overstable putt and approach disc is the go-to workhorse putter for dependable overstability in any conditions. Often used for technical approaches or powerful upshots for both forehand and...
199,00 kr
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Opto Compass. -- Lettkastet
Gul med blå stamp Navigate your way on the fairway with this midrange from Latitude 64º. This straight flyer will go wherever you want. It holds any line in the...
199,00 kr
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Big Z Zeus Paul McBeth
Zeus er distance driveren i Paul McBeth sin egen lineup. Dette er en overstabil disk som har mye distanse og kontroll i seg. Har du mye krutt i armen, er...
219,00 kr
- 12
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- -1
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Opto Pearl
*rosa med blank dekor Pearl is a midrange with a small grip, low weight and a neutral flight path. It is part of the Easy-to-use line and is the perfect...
199,00 kr
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- -4
- 0
G-Star Destroyer
“The Destroyer has always been the standard when it comes to distance drivers. It has the perfect complement of rim size and controlled distance,” says Ricky Wysocki. The Destroyer is...
199,00 kr
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- -1
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En rask mellomtone-driver eller langsom fairway-driver? Noen vil si at det er begge deler. En ekte flerbruksplate som har favorittkontrolldriveren for mange spillere. Diameter 21.1 cm Høyde: 1.7 cm Rim...
185,00 kr
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Putter Line Roach
The Roach is a neutral stable putter with similar flight to the Magnet but with a modern feel and added glide. The Roach has a beadless smooth rim and a...
149,00 kr
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Opto Jade
Are distance drivers only for the pros? Nope. Say hello to our first distance driver in the Easy-to-Use Line. It's light, it's fast, yet still easy to grip and control....
195,00 kr
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- -2
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Active Premium Majesty
Majesty er en rask disc som kan takle et bedt spekter av kast. Kan passe godt som en av de første distansedriverne til viderekommende spillere. Anbefalte bruksområder:Lange kastetablerte spillereBakchand/Forehand Flight...
169,00 kr
- 13
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- -2
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K1 Berg X Transparent
En sakteflyver å stole på – uansett• For deg som har spilt litt og vil utvikle putter-spillet ditt• K1 er super-holdbar plast med en digg kombo av fasthet...
195,00 kr
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K1 Stig
Follow that path! There is no need to be nervous when facing stretchy thin fairways anymore. Use your best touch shot and watch the disc glide and land in circle...
199,00 kr
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- -2
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K1 Nord
En midrange til å stole på.• For viderekommende spillere.• K1 er holdbar plast med fasthet Nord er det første tillegget til Kastaplast-utvalget i 2024;- en overstabil Tallene er satt til...
189,00 kr
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S-Line P2
This is our icon — the P2 — reinvented. For over a decade the P2 has been the gold standard of putters. We wanted to take that standard and take...
269,00 kr
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Prime Burst EMAC Truth
Walt Whitman said, "Whatever satisfies the soul is truth." The EMAC Truth is here to bring satisfaction to your golf game. The Truth had lost its way and wasn't as...
125,00 kr
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XT Atlas
The Atlas is an overmold Mid-Range with a small amount of high speed turn and very little fade.The Atlas is an overmold that combines a firm, low-profile flight plate with...
195,00 kr
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C-Line FD1
FD1 er Discmania’s nyeste fairwaydriver på markedet! Den er forholdsvis overstabil, men vil i motsetning til mange andre overstabile drivere holde en rett linje til å starte med. Med 7...
265,00 kr
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Neo Spore
Hybrid mellom golf-disk og catch-disk Vannvittig mye glide Soft Neo-plast er betydelig mykere og mer fleksibel enn tradisjonell Neo-plast Spore fra Discmania ble først introdusert som Cloud Stone i deres...
214,00 kr
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• En «straight-shooter» med distanse• For litt mer erfarne spillere• S-Line kombinerer godt grep og høy holdbarhet CD1 er en disc for dem som er sultne på kontroll. Den er...
249,00 kr
- 9
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- -1
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K1 Vass Kastaplast
Lysblå er transparent K1 Vass • Rett til understabil høyhastighetsdriver• Egner seg godt for viderekommende• K1 er super-holdbar plast med en digg kombo av fasthet og gummi-feeling Vass er Kastaplast...
199,00 kr
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- -1.5
- 2
Pro Sidewinder (Artist's Corner) Lettkastet
The Sidewinder is a fast flyer with a predictable high speed turn and lots of glide. This disc can add distance to anyone’s drive, but is especially useful for those...
259,00 kr
- 9
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- -3
- 1
Phoenix Midrange SHU
Understabil midrange Ideell for nye og viderekommende spillere Presise turnover kast SHU fra Yikun er en understabil midrange designet for å gi ekstra fordeler til både nye og viderekommende spillere....
169,00 kr
- 4
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- -2
- 0
Champion Rollo Innova Lettkastet
Champion Rollo • For enkle hyzer-flip kast, turnovers og rollere.• For helt ferske spillere, samt mer erfarne.• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet og pålitelig ytelse Innova Rollo er en av...
209,00 kr
- 5
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- -4
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