Du har ingen varer i handlevognen
Innova Champion Roc3
• For kontrollerte kast. En «go-to» midrange• For de som har spilt litt• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet og pålitelig ytelse For kontrollerte kast. En «go-to» midrange. Innova Roc3 holder linjen...
199,00 kr
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DX Aviar
Aviar Putt & Approach er den mestselgende putteren til Innova, og den har vunnet flere VM enn alle andre puttere til sammen. Aviar er en allsidig disc som er...
145,00 kr
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Opto Fuse -- Lettkastet
Plastic: Opto. Weights: See variants. Disc/foil color info: Product images may differ slightly from actual product, and shade of disc color may vary (for example, blue can be baby blue or sky blue). Foil color...
199,00 kr
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Zero Medium Pure Lettkastet
The Pure is a modern classic in the putt and approach department. The disc was co-designed with Jesper Lundmark and features a comfortable grip and a medium deep rim, with...
149,00 kr
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ESP Hades Paul McBeth
It's official! The stock run of Hades is here. Consider this the perfect understable compliment, and archenemies to the Zeus distance driver. With lots of glide and more controllable fade,...
219,00 kr
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Hard Exo Link
The Link has a stable flight for a putter, able to take large amounts of spin without getting floaty and able to glide to the basket without fading out too...
159,00 kr
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Big Z Undertaker
Undertaker er Paul Mcbets go-to driver i skogen. Undertakerens nøytrale flight gjør den til den perfekte driveren når du skal kaste langt og rett. PS: Slow is smooth, and smooth is...
199,00 kr
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Royal Sense Faith
Have Faith, this is the putt and approach disc you can lean on. Faith is a deep dish beadless putter with a smooth rounded rim. With a straight to overstable...
175,00 kr
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KC-Pro Aviar
The KC (Ken Climo) Pro Aviar is made from the Aviar driver mold in a firm blend of Pro-line Plastic for players who prefer a stiffer disc. This is the...
179,00 kr
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Big Z Zeus Paul McBeth
Zeus er distance driveren i Paul McBeth sin egen lineup. Dette er en overstabil disk som har mye distanse og kontroll i seg. Har du mye krutt i armen, er...
219,00 kr
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Opto Pearl
*rosa med blank dekor Pearl is a midrange with a small grip, low weight and a neutral flight path. It is part of the Easy-to-use line and is the perfect...
199,00 kr
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ESP Nuke Paige Pierce
• Rask distansedriver• Egnet for amatører og profesjonelle• ESP- plast gir svært god holdbarhet og godt grep Nuke er en høyhastighets distance driver som er elsket for sin kontroll og...
199,00 kr
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ESP Raptor
Raptor er en overstabil driver du kan drive med 100% selvsikkerhet. Kast den i backhand og forehand med minimal turn og hard fade. Raptor er blitt en gjenganger hos de...
199,00 kr
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Z Force
If you're throwing hard for maximum distance, reach for the high performance Force.™ This is Discraft's fastest overstable driver, with a wide rim and jaw-dropping glide that delivers a new...
199,00 kr
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Neo Mutant
The Mutant is a truly unique midrange. It's been coined the "cybertruck" of midranges. The design principle for this mold was to create a disc with no round surfaces....
195,00 kr
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Halo Star Firebird
The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebirdís combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind with confidence. An excellent...
269,00 kr
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Z Buzzz OS
The perfect complement to your Buzzz. When you're facing a headwind, need a straight shot with a hard finish, or want to use a forehand throw, Buzzz OS delivers...
199,00 kr
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Putter Line Roach
The Roach is a neutral stable putter with similar flight to the Magnet but with a modern feel and added glide. The Roach has a beadless smooth rim and a...
149,00 kr
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Active Premium Astronaut
Astronaut; vår andre distance driver i Active Line skimte med enorm hastighet og glide! Discen er designet for å gi maksimal avstand for spillere på alle ferdighetsnivåer, spesielt for spillere...
179,00 kr
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K1 Stig
Follow that path! There is no need to be nervous when facing stretchy thin fairways anymore. Use your best touch shot and watch the disc glide and land in circle...
199,00 kr
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400 Archive
Archive kommer inn mellom M1 og M2 i midrange-rekka til Prodigy. Ut av boksen er denne overstabil, og den tåler absolutt at du trykker til det du har. Isaac Robinson...
205,00 kr
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Active Premium Magician Lettkastet
Magician er en stabil fairwaydriver som man kan stole på under de fleste vindforhold. Dette er en disc som flyr rett med lite turn. Discen har en smal «rim», noe...
189,00 kr
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Soft Putter Line Challenger
The Challenger is the flagship putter in the line-up for its consistency off the tee or on the approach for players of all skill levels. The Challenger has a small...
149,00 kr
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Grand Orbit Brave Jakub Semerad 2024 Lettkastet
En fairway driver som er enkel å kontrollere.Passer for spillere for alle nivåerGrand er holdbar plast med godt grep Brave er en fariway driver understabil som gir deg muligheter til...
289,00 kr
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