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Champion Firebird
stamp kan variere The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebirdís combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind...
209,00 kr
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Champion Hawkeye Fairway Driver
Nøyaktige kast Kontrollerte hyzere Forutsigbarhet Hawkeye fra Innova er fairway-driveren for de som søker forutsigbarhet og nøyaktighet på disc golf-banen. «Dette er en disk som holder seg på fairwayen,»...
199,00 kr
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Champion Jay Midrange
Innova Jay er den nyeste tilskuddet til Innova’s midrange-familie, designet for å imøtekomme behovene til krevende disc golfere. Med en lav profil, flat topp og en mikrobead på vingen, leverer...
214,00 kr
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Champion Proto Glow XD 40th Anniversary Lettkastet
• For innspill i skog, korte og mellomlange rollerkast• En god disk for begynnere• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet og pålitelig ytelse For innspill i skog, korte og mellomlange rollerkast, og...
245,00 kr
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Champion Roc3
The Roc3 holds a line in a variety of wind conditions and has a predictable fade, making this an ideal 'Go-To' Mid-Range in almost any situation. Advanced players will love...
209,00 kr
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Champion Super Stingray Lettkastet
The Super Stingray is a straighter Stingray to handle players with more power. For fans of the old Champion Stingray, the Super is a little more stable out of the...
319,00 kr
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Champion Teebird3
The TeeBird3 represents the evolution of the TeeBird. Many people have described a lot of discs as a "faster TeeBird", but this is the real deal. The flat flight plate...
209,00 kr
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Champion Toro
At [4|2|0|4] the Toro is a flat, overstable, beadless mid-range that can handle the type of torque that world class disc golfers produce. Calvin Heimburg provided Innova founder and president...
199,00 kr
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The popular Starfire, by Innova Factory Store, is available in a wide variety of plastics and is a dependable long-distance, overstable driver. With a gradual, strong, stable fade, you can...
299,00 kr
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Champion Mako3
This Mid-Range disc is the perfect solution for anyone who wants a straight flyer with very limited fade. The Mako3 is available in Champion plastic, and it's faster than the...
195,00 kr
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Champion Thunderbird
The Thunderbird comes from strong bloodlines. The stability of a TeeBird with the speed of a Valkyrie; it can be described as a seasoned Firebird with less fade. The Thunderbird...
199,00 kr
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Champion Fairway Disc (Dark Rebel - Picture) Innova Factory
The Dark Rebel rises out of the shadows. Fairway Disc - The Original FD. If you’ve never tried the original Fairway Disc, you owe it to yourself to take...
349,00 kr
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Champion Hawg
The Innova Hawg is a beefy (or should we say porky) overstable putt-and-approach disc. Like it's brother the Pig, this tall bulky disc will have very little glide, and drop...
259,00 kr
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Champion Roadrunner
Champion Roadrunner • For distanse-drives, rollerkast og lange kast i medvind.• En god disk når man har kastet litt, og ønsker å få litt ekstra lengde. Rollerdisk for spillere med...
219,00 kr
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Champion Gator Metal Flake
For spike hyzere og motvinds-innspill• God disk for spillere med mye trøkk, som trenger en disk med kontroll• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet og pålitelig ytelse innova Gator gir ekstrem nøyaktighet...
229,00 kr
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Champion Viking Innova Factory Store
Champion Viking Innova Factory store • For smale fairways. En nøyaktig distanse-driver som er god i medvind• For de som har spilt litt, og erfarne spillere• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet...
349,00 kr
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Champion Power Disc Phantom Sword
Champion Power Disc Phantom Sword • Forutsigbar selv i vind Kontroll på high-speed God forhand og backhand Den originale PD, perfekt for shot-shaping• En disk som tåler trøkket til dem...
249,00 kr
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