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Champion Jay Midrange
Innova Jay er den nyeste tilskuddet til Innova’s midrange-familie, designet for å imøtekomme behovene til krevende disc golfere. Med en lav profil, flat topp og en mikrobead på vingen, leverer...
199,00 kr
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Champion Proto Glow XD 40th Anniversary Lettkastet
• For innspill i skog, korte og mellomlange rollerkast• En god disk for begynnere• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet og pålitelig ytelse For innspill i skog, korte og mellomlange rollerkast, og...
245,00 kr
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Champion Roc3
The Roc3 holds a line in a variety of wind conditions and has a predictable fade, making this an ideal 'Go-To' Mid-Range in almost any situation. Advanced players will love...
209,00 kr
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Champion Teebird3
The TeeBird3 represents the evolution of the TeeBird. Many people have described a lot of discs as a "faster TeeBird", but this is the real deal. The flat flight plate...
209,00 kr
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The popular Starfire, by Innova Factory Store, is available in a wide variety of plastics and is a dependable long-distance, overstable driver. With a gradual, strong, stable fade, you can...
299,00 kr
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Champion Viking Innova Factory Store
Champion Viking Innova Factory store • For smale fairways. En nøyaktig distanse-driver som er god i medvind• For de som har spilt litt, og erfarne spillere• Champion-plasten gir overlegen holdbarhet...
349,00 kr
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Champion Power Disc Phantom Sword
Champion Power Disc Phantom Sword • Forutsigbar selv i vind Kontroll på high-speed God forhand og backhand Den originale PD, perfekt for shot-shaping• En disk som tåler trøkket til dem...
249,00 kr
- 10
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- 3