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The Roach is a neutral stable putter with similar flight to the Magnet but with a modern feel and added glide. The Roach has a beadless smooth rim and a slightly low profile for round feel that fits nicely in the hand and releases clean.
Lurer du på hva tallene betyr? Sjekk ut siden vår side om Flight Ratings.
Diameter | 21.1 cm |
Høyde: | 2.0 cm |
Rim Dybde: | 1.5 cm |
Rim Bredde: | 1.1 cm |
Maksvekt: | 178 g |
Type: | Putter |
Stabilitet: | Stabil |
Anbefalt ferdighetsnivå: | Alle |
Plastikk: | Baseline |

Lignende produkter: Latitude Mercy, Dynamic Discs Judge